TextTrans is proud to open our new office in Dublin City Centre

Dear friends, colleagues, and language industry enthusiasts,

We’re incredibly excited to share a special moment with you all. After more than two decades of hard work and constant dedication to the beautiful world of language services, we are thrilled to announce the opening of our new office in the Capel Street neighbourhood in the heart of Dublin.

For over 23 years now at TextTrans, we’ve poured our hearts into crafting language solutions tailored specifically for the vibrant and expanding Brazilian and Portuguese markets. Our love for the nuances of the Portuguese language and our passion for connecting cultures, consumers and enterprises have been constants throughout our 23-year journey.

Capel Street

Our recent move to Capel Street isn’t just about securing a new space; it also represents our commitment to the future and reflects the strong relationships and partnerships we have built over the years, in Dublin, Europe and further afield.

Picture stepping into a neighbourhood brimming with history and culture—that’s the essence of Capel Street in Dublin 7. And right in the midst of this lively street, you’ll find our cozy but state of the art office. More than just a place for our Dublin-based project managers to sit, we think it’s a location designed to foster creativity, collaboration, and connection.

Shared Success

The TextTrans story has genuinely been made up of moments that fill our hearts with gratitude and pride. The trust bestowed upon us by industry collaborators and partners has been the cornerstone of our growth. From helping global brands navigate the Brazilian and Portuguese markets to ensuring acceptance of cutting-edge products, our team is defined by the shared experiences and successes we’ve celebrated together.

Visitors Welcome!

We were overjoyed to open our doors on Monday, the 13th of November, to our friends, supporters, and esteemed industry collaborators. Welcoming familiar faces and new friends to our new space really filled our hearts with warmth and gratitude.

We also had a unique virtual cheers with our team who called in from various locations in Europe and Brazil. It was fantastic to see the joy on each face and for each team member to know they contributed to our growth.

Please enjoy some of the photographs from the event here!

Boas Festas!

We are getting to the end of the year and as we reach the holiday season, we want to let you know how grateful we are for our collaboration throughout the year. 

This year we have archived many projects, worked with most of the top LSPs around the world and started more collaborations with new partners. 

In Brazil, Christmas is the start of the holiday season and the first days of summer. For us, Christmas is very hot (30ºC) and tropical. It is a special time for us to meet our family and friends in summer 😉, have delicious food, and also get to experience some artificial snow sprinkled here and there. It is also a perfect time to prepare for the start of a new year with many traditions like jumping in the waves, wearing white clothes but different color underwear, and keeping a Folha de louro (bay leaf) in our pockets for extra good luck.

It is a special time of the year, and we give thanks to all of our clients. We are very grateful to those who have made our success possible, and we appreciate working with you on every project. We hope this holiday and next year will bring you peace, joy, and prosperity!

As we look back upon the past year, we would like to acknowledge our team at TextTrans. We are thankful for all of their work, support, and commitment. Their drive and determination helped us to get where we are today, and we couldn’t have done it without you. Our success is your success. 

Thanks for a great year, and we wish you all the best as you embark on the new year ahead.

Please accept our warmest wishes for a truly wonderful holiday.

Warm greetings from the TextTrans team. 

Quality! A chat with Patricia, our Language Specialist

Patricia! Can you introduce yourself and tell our clients a little bit about your background?

Hi, there! I’m Patrícia, the main Language Specialist at TextTrans. I live in Porto Alegre, in the southernmost state of Brazil, and I work remotely. A fun fact about my story with the English language is that, when I was a kid, I did great in all subjects at school, except for English. So, my mother put me in a language school specifically to learn English.

I fell in love with the language right then and made my life decisions based on it. I went to Canada for an exchange program; at university, I enrolled in a language and translation course; and all my work experience involves English: from English teaching to translation.

During my undergrad studies, I mainly worked as an English teacher, but I also did an internship in a company focused on the translation of academic texts and translated some books for a prestigious publishing house in Brazil focused on technical books. I graduated in translation in 2013 and have worked in different translation companies since then.

I try to keep my eyes open to clients’ needs and expectations at all times. This made me want to research how executive functions and translation experience might relate to literal translation of collocations, and that was the topic of my master’s dissertation in Psycholinguistics in 2019. I am still researching the translation of colloquial speech for my PhD studies, but now my focus is on Corpus Linguistics.

Tell us about your role in TextTrans, what are your main responsibilities?

I have several ongoing responsibilities. One of them is creating and maintaining guides that aid translators and reviewers in their work. You can learn more about these guides here. I  also review, since this enables me to keep an eye on translators’ needs and clients’ expectations. Thanks to this I can contribute to the constant improvement of procedures and internal files. I try to be available daily to help our PMs with doubts, issues, feedback or anything that they might need that is related to language and translation. Another ongoing responsibility is evaluating translation tests of our candidates.

Some of my other responsibilities vary with time, based on the company needs. This year, most of my efforts went to creating a test specifically for candidates who want to be reviewers. I also evaluated the tests and then created and delivered a course to the candidates who were approved. Their feedback was great, and we are all positive this will make the review process smoother and more consistent. We already see a tendency for proactivity and interaction from the new reviewers, which is completely in line with TextTrans’ belief of being a people-centered company.

What do you think the biggest challenges are with regard to Language Quality in 2021? (and how does TextTrans approach them?)

To me, the biggest challenge today is balancing quality with price and time constraints. This has been true for the past few years, and I believe it will continue to be a challenge for quite some time. The search for new reviewers and their training is one of the ways we have been tackling this need. Translators and reviewers need our support to know what is expected of them and to learn procedures that will help them in achieving this.

Do you think client needs are changing, in what way?

For quite a few years now I have seen a raise in the expectation for ‘natural-sounding’ language in translation. Perhaps because machine translation has evolved and produces good enough results in terms of meaning in many cases, it seems the expectations for human translation have increased, especially in terms of style. Our industry is still trying to figure out a way to treat fluency more objectively, and I believe this discovery and definition process will continue for a long time, and that we will have to adjust continuously to new expectations and standards.

How has increased adoption of MT changed things, has it made things easier or more difficult?

It changed a lot of things. As I mentioned before, it took some years for MT to provide good enough results, but some are finally able to do it. However, there is not an ideal MT mechanism for all translation projects. It seems the industry is still learning MT is not going to solve all problems and speed up all translations, because the MT must be tailored to specific areas and text types to provide good results. And this tailoring requires time, money and expertise. My impression is that this isn’t considered by many of the industry players, who expect great results in little time. So, MT had the promise of speeding things up, but this is not always a reality.

TextTrans is an agency specialized in Portuguese, but how do you maintain high quality across a range of domains, some of which are extremely specific?

We make every effort to assign specific domains to specific translators. Knowing about the subject and being familiarized with specific clients is key to ensuring consistency, ongoing quality and smooth working conditions for linguists. We do not expect all linguists to excel in all domains, so we focus on matching them appropriately.

Do you think it helps that our PMs are native speakers of Portuguese?

I think it helps in several ways. One of them is because our PMs and linguists share the Brazilian culture. The remote work involves a lot of communication by email. In this context, “little” things turn out to be extremely important: the way to greet people, express difficulties, explain things… Each culture has their own way to express this. And being able to communicate with the PMs and linguists in a harmonious way is beneficial to all involved.

What about large and rush projects, how do we guarantee quality when under pressure or localization at scale?

Large projects usually do not come isolated. It is more likely for them to appear after we have seen an increase or consistently large projects from a client. For these clients, we prepare ourselves by having a team of linguists, with main translators and reviewers and also backup linguists. Communication is key, so the PMs are our secret weapon here. They let the linguists know of our expectations regarding the account, inform them about the account references, keep track of who read what and of linguists who consistently work for the account etc.

Are you seeing more requests for Transcreation or adaptation style projects, how are these approached differently?

What I notice is that the expectations for translation have changed. Some clients expect translations to be “free” from the source, adapted to the target culture. What I mean is that I have not noticed an increase in “transcreation projects” or in “adaptation projects” per se. However, some clients expect translation projects to include some adaptation. Perhaps the separation between translation, transcreation and adaptation will become less clear with time.

Tell us about some of the quality and training initiatives you are running?

As we are over 20 years old now, TextTrans now relies on over 100 translators, but not many reviewers collaborate with us. So, this year, our focus is on increasing our database of reviewers. We worked for several weeks in the creation of a test dedicated exclusively to candidates who want to review and have experience in this task. Our Resource Manager, Fabiana, advertised the position in Proz.com. It took us a few weeks to evaluate the tests. It also took us some time to develop a training for new and current reviewers. We were very happy to finally deliver the training in May. It was a five-day training, and the reviewers participated actively. It was a great opportunity to exchange information, solve doubts and have ideas for further developments.

If you were to give advice for any translator wanting to work with TextTrans, what would it be?

Be proactive. Since we work remotely, it is hard to find out what people need. For this reason, it is a pleasure working with translators who come to us when they have doubts, who share things that might be useful to colleagues, who are clear about their availability etc.

And for our clients, how can they make things easier, in terms of providing them with the results they would like?

It is incredible how clients can expect a range of different things. So I believe the tip to them would be “never assume anything”. While it may seem to them that an expectation is obvious, this is not always the case. We want to adjust to every client’s individual demands, but they must be clear about them so we can meet their needs. And this always works best when clients are clear from the start, because this avoids negative feedback and frustration.

Assuring consistent quality with a diverse team

As some of you will know, TextTrans only works with experienced translators. We do so because quality is one of our strongest pillars, and we know our clients rely on us heavily. However, even though we select brilliant translators, we need to make sure they all work in harmony, with consistent procedures. This can be a challenge, particularly as we grow and onboard new translators to our team. That said, we are constantly in touch with our entire translation team and always on the look for new ways to drive consistency among our translators. In 2020, our in-house language team created a few internal documents providing instructions on how to do certain tasks, such as translation, review, LSO, and rebuttal.

These manuals were launched late 2020  and we are now confident that our translators are familiarized with their content. So, in 2021 we are making these documents a standard practice. That is, all the linguists we work with, must study and familiarize themselves with our guidelines and preferences, and we will monitor how closely they adhere to the information we have shared with them. We believe this will help us to maintain a high level of quality, and also improve the experience for clients, reviewers and PMs etc.

So what did we share with the team? Well here is a brief summary!

Guide to translation — Contains instructions on how to make the most use of glossaries, how to ensure consistency on different levels (e.g. capitalization, punctuation), and how to deal with tags and placeholders. It also covers segmentation issues to be alert to and some specificities in subtitle translation. Finally, it provides a list of useful shortcuts that can make their daily work faster and more comfortable.

Guide to review — Covers time management, common translation errors and how to deal with new, fuzzy and 100% matches. It also has instructions on how to provide constructive feedback so the collaboration between translator and reviewer is smooth and fruitful.

Guide to LSO — Focuses on how to properly mark PDF files and how to comply with the scope, since time allocated for LSO varies greatly.

Guide to rebuttal — Provides instructions on when to agree or disagree with corrections and best practices to apply in comments, such as using solid arguments and keeping a collaborative tone with the client’s reviewer.

We hope our clients benefit from these new guides, but we also hope they make everyone’s work smoother, since it is easier and more enjoyable to work when we know what is expected of us and when communication is open and polite.

These documents were so welcomed by the translators that in 2021 we will continue the trend and create some more guides, along with some training to make sure everything is well understood!

We would love to hear your thoughts about the best way to achieve consistent quality from a diverse group of linguists. Do you have any other suggestions or opinions? Please let us know!


20th Anniversary: An Interview with the TextTrans Team – Part 2

This is second part of the interview the TextTrans team prepared for its 20th anniversary. You can read the first part here.


Robert: Now I would like to see if anyone has questions to one another.

Lau: I do! I want to ask Samanta what it is like to work with a family member, like Claudio!

Samanta: It’s not hard for me to work with my uncle. Also, we don’t work together in the same office. And Claudio knows how to separate things too! When he needs to say something, he does it.


Robert: Fabiana and Tatiana, I would like to ask you the same question, since you are sisters.

Fabiana: Unlike Samanta and Claudio, sometimes we work in the office side by side!

Tatiana: I love it. Since the COVID-19 outbreak, we have worked from home, and I miss the coffee breaks with Fabiana and Samanta! Now I have a question for Patrícia: What has your experience been like at TextTrans?

Patricia: Something I feel from all of you is that you’re very kind in your emails. That surprised me because I’ve had experiences that were not so good in the past. This thoughtful communication really helps on a day to day basis. For example, when something goes wrong during a project, I get a considerate message from you and I think, “Well, I have to make it work because everybody involved is so kind.” And if we think of the statements we’ve received from other translators this month, we can see they feel the same. That makes TextTrans unique from the point of view of the translators. This has been my experience with TextTrans so far, and it makes me want to work to meet everyone’s expectations, to make everyone’s work easier.


Robert: And what did you expect before? What did you think you were getting into?

Patricia: When I started as a freelance translator at TextTrans, I just wanted to make some money while I was studying. I did not know the company. With time, our relationship grew into something great. I was thrilled and grateful when Claudio invited me to work as a Language Specialist on the team!


Robert: Thank you, Patrícia. Now I have a question for Lau. You started at the company working with me, on the business development and marketing side of things. What are the big differences between that job and the job you’re doing now, in production? Which do you think is harder?

Lau: Project Management is harder for sure, because it’s 100% my responsibility. To be a great PM you have to meet deadlines, you need to like being in contact with the clients and translators,  you have to be patient, pay lot of attention to details, be organized and so on.

So, yes, the role that I have now is harder because it has way more responsibilities, and I really like it!


Robert: It’s probably good that you did the sales part before going into Project Management because now you know how long it takes to get the clients to come on board!

Lau: Yes, it was definitely an important experience because I could see and understand the whole process since the beginning. When I was in sales, I noticed that it can be very challenging to find an opportunity for a partnership and that it takes time to finally close the business. So, when I moved to production and started working on a daily basis with the clients we already have, I was able to understand how important it is to keep our clients happy and satisfied with our work. Of course new opportunities are always welcome, but our main purpose here is to keep doing a good job with the ones we already have, since quality is our number 1 goal.


Fabiana: I have a question for you, Robert. What do you think that changed in the company since you started working with us 4 years ago?

Robert : The company has changed a little bit in terms of the culture. Now it is much more open, ready and fast-acting when it comes to new opportunities.

Now we respond very fast to new proposals! There always was an awareness of treating the client well, but now we are ready for new stuff too. The basics are still there – respect, good service, and good quality. But people are happy to see the growth and to see new clients come in. That’s a positive thing. As a company, we are happy to see new businesses and the beginning of relationships that will last into the future. Also, we’ve very rarely lost any client; so when people start working with TextTrans, they continue working with TextTrans. I can’t remember any client that we’ve lost recently.


Claudio: You often have wanted to push us further, right, Robert?

Robert: I like the fact that TextTrans is quite conservative in terms of taking on too much work or too many translators.

You don’t want to go overboard or to take on too much work because you don’t want to compromise quality. I think that’s very good.

And, yes, sometimes I would want to push you guys to do more, but more isn’t always better. Sometimes it’s better to go at your own pace and control how things are going, maintaining a high level of service, quality, and relationships. There’s always potential to grow and to do more, but it’s good to do it at a rate people are comfortable with.

Everybody on the team is very capable and talented. It’s a great team and people always say good things. I’ve seen other companies, big and small, that don’t have that same attention to detail or concern for good service, and I’ve seen that doesn’t work so well. So, TextTrans is doing a good job.


Robert: My question is for you, Claudio: what’s your hope for the future for the company?

Claudio: First, I would like to say that the team I have now is amazing. And it is so great that we are having this opportunity to talk and see each other’s face since we work in separated offices located at different places and we hadn’t had the opportunity to meet yet.

Anyway, my hope for the future is that we continue to grow, as we are doing at the moment, gradually and at our own pace. And also that we continue to maintain the respect that we have for everyone on the team!

Actually, I wanted to thank you, Rob! Since you joined us, you gave new energy to the company; everybody agrees with that, and it has been great. You brought us from having only a handful of clients to having many different clients that send us plenty of work as well as having brought so many new accounts with existing clients. That makes us more comfortable, confident and relaxed for the future! Thank you very much!



It’s been a pleasure!

Well, the interview is coming to an end. Congratulations to all of us for these 20 years of TextTrans. This great team has made remarkable achievements. And thank you, Claudio, for leading everyone in the team!



Thank you.

Curiosidades sobre a TextTrans

Quer saber um pouco mais sobre a TextTrans? Aqui estão algumas curiosidades sobre nós:

  • Estamos incrivelmente felizes por completarmos 20 anos em atividade neste mês
  • Nosso nome, “TextTrans”, vem de “Text Translation” (ou “tradução de textos”)
  • Quando começamos, trabalhávamos com 15 tradutores, e hoje temos uma banco de dos de mais de 120 tradutores
  • Claudio é apaixonado por arquitetura e inspirou-se no Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Niterói, de Oscar Niemeyer, para criar nosso logo; é a nossa forma de homenagear a cultura brasileira e de compartilhá-la com o mundo
  • Tatiana e Olivia são as integrantes da equipe que estão conosco há mais tempo (desde 2003), e alguns de nossos tradutores estão conosco desde o começo
  • Agora vamos falar de negócios: nós traduzimos do inglês, francês, alemão, italiano e espanhol e, nos últimos 5 anos, traduzimos aproximadamente 28 milhões de palavras
  • A TextTrans é uma empresa tão familiar que há membros de duas famílias trabalhando nela: Claudio é irmão de Olívia, que é mãe de Samanta (portanto, Samanta é sobrinha de Claudio), e Tatiana e Fabiana são irmãs
  • Acreditamos que a diversidade fortalece nossa equipe: os “TTetes” (nosso jeito carinhoso de chamar os integrantes da equipe) estão espalhados por Barcelona, Dublin, Porto Alegre e Salvador, e nossas formações incluem Administração, Artes Plásticas, Contabilidade, Direito, Engenharia Civil, Letras e Química
  • Todas essas conquistas são resultados dos nossos principais valores: somos “Gentis”, “Confiáveis”, “Solucionadores de problemas” e ótimos “Parceiros”; acreditamos que esses valores são a chave para o sucesso

Hoje nosso agradecimento especial é para nossas incríveis PMs

Recebemos muito carinho de nossos tradutores freelancers neste mês pelo nosso aniversário de 20 anos, como vocês podem ter visto em nossas redes sociais. Mas hoje nosso agradecimento especial é para nossas incríveis PMs. Elas são nosso elo com os tradutores, e são extremamente profissionais e gentis. Veja aqui o que os nossos tradutores dizem sobre as nossas PMs.



Tatiana é uma ótima gerente e uma pessoa maravilhosa. Está sempre pronta a ajudar, conhece todos os detalhes dos projetos e torna o trabalho bem mais eficaz. Além de ter o privilégio de poder trabalhar com essa excelente profissional ao longo de tantos anos, é uma alegria enorme tê-la como amiga. Muito obrigada por tudo, Tati!”

— Giselle, Ex-tradutora interna da TextTrans e atual freelancer


“Conheci a Tati pessoalmente em 2003. Sem nem nos conhecermos muito, viajamos juntas para Escócia e logo vi que era uma pessoa muito amigável. Não tem situação melhor para se conhecer alguém do que em uma viagem. E a viagem foi ótima! E no trabalho não poderia ser diferente, estamos sempre em contato por causa dos projetos e ela é sempre muito atenciosa, prestativa e eficiente.”

— Tania, Ex-tradutora interna da TextTrans e atual freelancer


Samanta é muito atenciosa, prestativa e cuidadosa. Com sua ajuda, os projetos sempre fluem muito bem. Samanta, obrigada por sua grande ajuda e seu ótimo trabalho!”

— Giselle, Ex-tradutora interna da TextTrans e atual freelancer


“Tenho um contato de trabalho constante com a Samanta e só posso elogiar, porque sempre responde prontamente aos e-mails, é muito cuidadosa e atenta em relação aos contatos e aos projetos. É uma pessoa muito agradável e profissional.”

— Tania, Ex-tradutora interna da TextTrans e atual freelancer


Fabiana está sempre pronta a ajudar. Com sua grande simpatia, atenção e profissionalismo, o trabalho é sempre eficiente. Fabi, muito obrigada por toda a ajuda!”

— Giselle, Ex-tradutora interna da TextTrans e atual freelancer


“A Lau é a dinâmica em pessoa. Muito compreensiva, é a ponte que muitas vezes não existe entre o tradutor e o cliente final. Ela sabe como nos motivar para que sejamos produtivos, busca todas as maneiras de resolver os problemas, sempre com um alto astral muito positivo. Ela é um raio de sol em um dia nublado!”

— Rodrigo, Tradutor freelancer


Lau, obrigada por todo o apoio que você me dá do começo ao fim de cada projeto. Seu envolvimento e seu toque pessoal deixam mesmo os projetos mais complexos mais simples, e me sinto sempre amparada, profissional e pessoalmente.”

— Ines, Tradutora freelancer


“Desejo a todos da TextTrans um sucesso infinito e muitas realizações! E que possamos seguir juntos nesta jornada por muitos e muitos anos!”

— Tania, Ex-tradutora interna da TextTrans e atual freelancer


“Quero parabenizar a TextTrans e agradecer pelo relacionamento de parceria que têm comigo. Vocês são uma equipe de primeira e adoro trabalhar com as TTetes, profissionais e calorosas. Feliz aniversário pra essa super equipe!!!”

— Ines, Tradutora freelancer


“Eficientes. Organizadas. Simpáticas. Objetivas. Colegas de verdade. Tudo isso traduz as PMs da TT.

Gostaria de deixar aqui minha homenagem especial à Tati, com quem trabalho ‘de perto à distância’ desde 2003.”

— Denise, Tradutora freelancer


“Ao longo da minha carreira, trabalhei com diversos PMs, das mais diversas nacionalidades. Mas, pela primeira vez, eu me sinto “em casa”. As PMs da TextTrans são pessoas acessíveis, humanas e sempre dispostas a ajudar e a solucionar uma dúvida ou um problema. O trabalho se torna leve, mas nunca deixamos de ser profissionais. O trabalho com elas transmite segurança e confiança, algo que considero muito necessário para que tudo possa fluir bem. Sinto-me sempre entre amigos.”

— Rodrigo, Tradutor freelancer



“O que eu tenho a dizer sobre as PMs (especialmente Samanta, Tatiana e Fabiana, com quem mais trabalho) é que são muito atenciosas e estão sempre dispostas a colaborar no que for preciso. Além da admiração profissional por serem mulheres batalhadoras, tenho um carinho especial por elas, como se as conhecesse pessoalmente. E fica aqui minha gratidão mais uma vez por ter tido a oportunidade de trabalhar com vocês.”

— Thais, Tradutora freelancer


“ ‘Gerente de projeto é aquela pessoa que acha que nove mulheres grávidas podem dar à luz um bebê em 1 mês.’ Quem escreveu essa frase certamente não estava pensando nas gerentes de projeto da TextTrans. A compreensão delas do processo tradutório, a clareza das instruções e o tom sempre amistoso das mensagens são o pontapé inicial perfeito que nós tradutores e revisores precisamos para darmos o nosso melhor. Por trás de todo projeto de excelência, sempre há gerentes excepcionais, como Tati, Samanta e Lau!”

— Vitor, Tradutor freelancer


“A TextTrans tem a incrível capacidade de escolher pessoas que são simpáticas, eficientes e compreensivas com as questões que aparecem para o tradutor. Essas qualidades estão presentes em todas as pessoas com quem me relaciono na empresa, e não poderia ser diferente com as PMs. Eu NUNCA tive nenhum problema com elas, qualquer que fosse, nesses oito anos (uau, OITO anos já!), e olha que já passamos por vários problemas com ferramentas, memórias, arquivos e tudo mais que acontece na nossa profissão. Enfim, só queria dar meus sinceros agradecimentos a todas as PMs (e a você também!) e desejar muitos outros anos desse relacionamento incrível que temos.”

— Valter, Tradutor freelancer


Did you know? Interesting facts about TextTrans

Would you like to know more about TextTrans? See some curiosities about us:

  • We are thrilled to be celebrating 20 years this month
  • Our name, “TextTrans”, is short for “Text Translation”
  • We started with about 15 translators, and now our database has over 120 translators
  • Claudio is passionate about architecture and drew inspiration from the Niterói Contemporary Art Museum, by Oscar Niemeyer, for our logo; it’s our way of paying tribute to Brazilian culture and sharing it with the world
  • Tatiana and Olivia are the team members who have been with us the longest (since 2003), and some of our freelance translators are with us since the beginning
  • Talking business, we translate from English, French, German, Italian and Spanish source files and, in the past 5 years, we translated approximately 28 million words
  • TextTrans is such a family business that we have members of 2 different families: Claudio and Olívia are brother and sister, Samanta is Olivia’s daughter (therefore, Claudio’s niece), and Tatiana and Fabiana are sisters
  • We think diversity strengthens our team: the “TTetes” — our term of endearment for our team members — are spread through Barcelona, Dublin, Porto Alegre and Salvador, and our backgrounds include Accounting, Business Administration, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Fine Arts, Languages, and Law
  • All these great achievements are the result of our top values: we are “Friendly”, “Dependable”, “Problem Solvers” and great “Partners”; we believe this set of values is the key to great success






Thank you to our wonderful project managers

We received a lot of love from our freelance translators this month for our 20-year anniversary, as you might have seen in our social networks. But today our special thanks goes to our wonderful PMs. They are our liaison with translators, and they do their job professionally and gracefully. See here what our translators say about our PMs.



Tatiana is a great manager and a wonderful person. She is always ready to help, knows all the details of the projects and makes work much more efficient. Besides having the privilege of being able to work with this excellent professional over so many years, it is a great joy to have her as my friend. Thank you so much for everything, Tati!”

— Giselle, Ex TextTrans inhouse translator and current freelancer


“I met Tati in person in 2003. Without even knowing each other, we traveled together to Scotland and I soon realized she was a very friendly person. There is no better opportunity to meet someone than on a trip. And the trip was great! And at work it couldn’t be different, we are always in touch because of the projects and she is always very attentive, helpful, and efficient.”

— Tania, Ex TextTrans inhouse translator and current freelancer


Samanta is very attentive, helpful and careful. With her assistance, projects always flow very well. Samanta, thank you for your great help and your excellent work!”

— Giselle, Ex TextTrans inhouse translator and current freelancer


“I have a constant working contact with Samanta and I can only praise her for being so prompt, careful, and attentive in relation to the emails and projects. She is a very easygoing and professional person.”

— Tania, Ex TextTrans inhouse translator and current freelancer


Fabiana is always ready to help. Thanks to her great friendliness, attention and professionalism, work is always efficient. Fabi, thank you so much for all your help!”

— Giselle, Ex TextTrans inhouse translator and current freelancer


Lau, thank you so much for all the support you always give me, throughout every project. Your commitment and your personal touch make even the most challenging projects much easier. I feel supported, both professionally and personally.”

— Ines, Freelance translator


“It is a real honour to have been part of TextTrans since its first day! I joined TextTrans 20 years ago and worked in the Dublin office for around 6 years, where each day was inspiring, motivating and challenging. Time has flown and I cherish all the memories from all of the people I have met during that time. I have learnt and grown professionally and personally. I am truly grateful to TextTrans and all my ex colleagues who had contributed immensely to my journey.

— Henriette, Pioneer TTete


“Congratulations to TextTrans and thank you for our amazing partnership. You are all great class and it’s a pleasure working with all TTetes, who are professional and warm. Happy anniversary to this fantastic team!!!”

— Ines, Freelance translator


“Efficient. Organized. Friendly. Objective. True peers. All these translate the PMs at TT.

I´d like to leave a special homage to Tati, with whom I work closely at a distance” since 2003.”

— Denise, Freelancer translator


“ ‘A project manager is someone who thinks that nine pregnant women give birth to a baby in 1 month’. Whoever wrote this certainly did not have TextTrans project managers in mind. Their understanding of the translation process, the clarity of their instructions and their constantly cheerful tone are the ideal kick-start we, the translators and proofreaders, need to perform our best. Behind every excellent project, there are always outstanding project managers, like Tati, Samanta, and Lau!”

— Vitor, Freelance translator


“TextTrans has the incredible ability to choose people who are friendly, efficient and understanding with the questions that arise for the translator. These qualities are present in all the people with whom I interact in the company, and it could not be different with the PMs. I have NEVER had any problems with them, whatever they could be, in these eight years (wow, EIGHT years already!), even though we went through several problems with tools, TMs, files and everything more that happens in our profession. Anyway, I just wanted to give my sincere thanks to all the PMs (and to you too!) and wish you guys many more years of this incredible relationship that we have.”

— Valter, Freelance translator