Process & Quality Assurance
Process & Quality Assurance
For over 23 years now TextTrans has been providing consistently high quality translation and localization services to a wide range of global brands in different verticals.
We feel that the high quality of our work and our unflagging customer service have been the two key pillars of our success.
Approaches towards quality and how to achieve it have evolved over the years. At TextTrans, we believe that the key boils down to equipping the best and most suitable resources and supporting them through tried and tested processes based on best practices and adapted according to the specific client needs.
Our quality processes and guidelines are based on EN-15038:2006, which is now superseded by ISO 17100:2015, and have been adapted based on our experience. We work only with Multi-Language Service Providers, who often maintain their own certifications (ISO or other), and as such, we fit in with their specific requirements.
That said, today, more than ever, translation quality is defined by the individual end client account and their needs, and we take a flexible and proactive approach to understanding their definition of quality and delivering this.
Our Processes
The TextTrans Project Managers actively manage and monitor all processes and are responsible for making sure we deliver high quality translations on time to our clients. Each client is allocated a dedicated TextTrans Project Manager who manages their projects from beginning to end, including the following processes:
- Pre-Translation process
- Translation (TEP) process
- Post-Project process
Our project managers are all native speakers of Brazilian Portuguese. This helps enormously when communicating with the resources, clarifying issues and quickly solving problems that may arise.
Pre-Translation Process
In the Pre-translation phase the TextTrans Project Manager follows the following steps:
- Evaluates the source content to understand:
- Content type, audience, purpose, and desired impact
- Vertical & specialization
- Technical requirements and desired file format
- Reviews instructions, reference material, translation assets (translation memory, glossaries, brand and style guidelines) and additional client requirements
- Fills any blanks by consulting with the client
- Collates information and creates translation kit for translators
- Assigns the work to translators and reviewers
- Manages the creation and approval of any localized glossary or style guide if required. If we do not have style guides provided by the client we will select either an industry standard style guide or one we have developed in-house ourselves. Glossaries are always created and used internally by the translation team.
- Agrees project deadlines
- Evaluates project risks and works proactively to mitigate these
Translation and Quality Assurance process
TextTrans’ Translation and QA process is done in a very practical and direct way. Basically, we follow the TEP concept.
- Translation – Files are translated by the assigned resource using industry standard translation environment and translation memories provided etc. In the absence of specific guidelines, an industry standard terminology and style guide is used. A glossary is always supplied to the translators and is updated continuously throughout the project. Queries are dealt with daily by the TextTrans Project Manager, who collates and centralizes queries, resolves anything he or she can, and liaises with the client to provide clarity to the translators.
- Editing – After translation has been completed, and queries answered, the translator compares his translated version to the original source text to confirm that it is an accurate and complete translation of the source.
- Proofing – After Translation and Editing have been completed, the translation is independently proofed by a 2nd linguist. This linguist is typically more senior and must sign off on all translations. The proof-reader will look for issues of mistranslation, accuracy, terminology, language, style, and local country or culture issues. All work is fully proofed before delivery. When possible and when required, content is also proofed in its final format, whether software, doc, help etc.
Post-Project Processes
After the translation (TEP) process, has been completed the TextTrans PM assures the following:
- Files are delivered in the correct format to the client
- Client feedback is received and changes made in the files
- Translation memories, styles guides are updated with final files
- Query responses and relevant information are saved for future reference
- Files are archived on our system
For more information and to find out how we can support your internal processes, please contact us here.